HVAC&R | Construction vessels
Construction vessels for the offshore oil and gas industry and wind farm construction vessels are purpose-built to perform a range of specific construction tasks, such as installing cables for offshore wind farms, lifting and installing heavy structures and foundations and installation of pipelines for oil and gas transport.
Custom-built is key
Construction vessels are generally very complex vessels and require specialist knowledge of the vessel, the equipment and environmental standards. With over 50 years of experience, Heinen & Hopman has developed the know-how to engineer HVAC&R solutions for these purpose-built construction vessels. Thanks to a strong expertise in custom-built HVAC&R technology, Heinen & Hopman has been selected to supply the HVAC&R for different types of construction vessels, ranging from pipelayers, cablelayers, subsea rock installation vessels, subsea construction vessels, crane vessels to heavy lift vessels.
Lower total cost of ownership
In order to lower operating costs – and consequently cost of ownership – energy-efficient HVAC systems are a must. HVAC is still one of the largest power consumers onboard a ship, and therefore the HVAC system is one of the main targets for efficiency improvements. Our energy-efficient equipment, such as heat recovery wheels, MGO Coolers, absorption chillers and waste heat exchangers, help you safe on fuel costs. Now, and probably even more so in the future.
Can’t find what you are looking for?

Construction vessels are generally very complex vessels and require specialist knowledge of the vessel, the equipment and environmental standards.