SIGMA 10514
Delivery year | 2020 |
Length | 105.0 M |
Subsidiary | H&H HEADQUARTERS |
Vessel type | Patrol Vessel |
HVAC | SIGMA 10514
We’re excited to announce that Heinen & Hopman was selected to deliver the HVAC for a SIGMA 10514 Long Range Patrol Vessel, built by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) for a foreign Navy.
Deployed for long-distance patrols
The patrol vessel will be 105 metres in length and 14 meters wide, resembling the SIGMA vessels built earlier for the Indonesian Navy.
Foreign built
A DSNS team has been stationed at foreign shipyard, to supervise the construction of the vessel. The ship is designed in a modular way (SIGMA concept): four out of six modules will be built at the foreign shipyard and two will be built at DSNS in Vlissingen, the Netherlands. The patrol vessel is planned for delivery in early 2020. A challenging task, considering the complete engineering and construction will have to take place within three years. Partially constructing the vessel at a foreign shipyard poses another challenge in terms of project management.
Climate control system
Heinen & Hopman is responsible for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of the heating, air conditioning – including NBC air filtration –, mechanical ventilation – including engine room ventilation –, provision cooling and combat systems cooling. In close cooperation with the foreign shipyard, Heinen & Hopman will assure all equipment is installed and commissioned to the highest quality standards.
Design conditions
The air conditioning system is based on the following design conditions:
Outside-Inside Summer
Outside: 35˚C/85%RH
Inside: 25˚C/60%RH
Outside-Inside Winter
Outside: 5˚C/-%RH
Inside: 18˚C/-%RH
For more information regarding our naval HVAC technology, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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