Containerised HVAC Room
As time is always of the essence in the offshore industry and vessel owners make it a priority to keep the necessary yard visits as short as possible, suppliers must ensure their products do not add to vessel owners’ time constraints. To help save time spent on tasks, Heinen & Hopman has developed a containerised HVAC room that can be completely pre-fabricated and tested before delivery to the vessel. Due to the design, installation time onboard can be shortened tremendously.

Containerised HVAC Room
As time is always of the essence in the offshore industry and vessel owners make it a priority to keep the necessary yard visits as short as possible, suppliers must ensure their products do not add to vessel owners’ time constraints.

When required to navigate to regions with extreme climates far from supply lines, it’s important to know you can rely on your HVAC system no matter what.
Michel Veltman - Sales Manager