HVAC for Ampelmann’s winterized motion compensated gangway system
HVAC for Ampelmann’s winterized motion compensated gangway system
Heinen & Hopman is to supply the HVAC for a winterized version of Ampelmann’s motion compensated gangway system. The N-type system will be deployed for oil and gas development in Arctic waters, and will be capable of safely and efficiently transferring work crew at temperatures as low as -28 ˚C.
Project Icemann
The winterized Ampelmann N-type system, project name ‘Icemann’, will be installed on a new ice breaking support vessel. The system will have to deal with extreme icing, vibrations and vessel motions, while maintaining a safe, efficient and reliable means of transfer. Heinen & Hopman will supply three air-cooled air conditioning units and a ventilation system suitable for use in Arctic conditions. Production of the components for the N-type started this summer and various components have been delivered to the Condor Fabrication Hall in Rotterdam to be assembled, installed and tested.
Ampelmann motion compensated gangways
Ampelmann is the global leader in walk to work solutions by operating motion compensated offshore access systems and services all over the world. The unique Ampelmann systems enables safe, efficient and reliable transfers of personnel and cargo from vessels to offshore oil & gas platforms, turbines, FPSOs and all other fixed and floating structures at sea. More than 3 million people have already walked to work safely on more than 200 projects worldwide.